FALK REPORT: Issue No.4 - 𝕱𝕬𝕷𝕶 Experts, Know & Bet on Thyself
Disclaimer: This report is based on analysis and observation, but this is not personalized financial advice. There are a number of factors that go into building and optimizing the operational aspects of marketing your business, and for personalized advice you must book a strategy session with us.
𝔶𝔬𝔲'𝔯𝔢 falk𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔥 𝔦𝔱
𝔶𝔬𝔲'𝔯𝔢 falk𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔥 𝔦𝔱 〰️
This Report’s Agenda:
FALK Experts, FALK AI Chatbots, and FALK Virtue Signaling
Genetic Memories in the Driver’s Seat of Your Life
Syncing Your Genetic Timeline for Fresh Perspectives
1929: Bank Runs, Supply Chain Collapse, Debt Bubbles
1918: Real Colossal Death Unlike 2020 Pl4nd3m^c
Center in on Your Zero-Point Energy
FALK REPORT: ISSUE 4 | 15 MARCH 2023 | 9:30 PM EST
the experts, bet on yourself.
What everyone has wrong (publicly speaking) is that A.I. is what you make it. It’s powerful because you say it’s powerful; the same way you say money is powerful. Is it really that money is powerful? Or is our belief in the concept and use case of money powerful?
There’s way too much chatter in the atmosphere: Voices. Hearings. Opinions. Advice.
But why is everyone talking? Experts can’t seem to give relevant advice to 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖕𝖊𝖔𝖕𝖑𝖊 on how to handle the current socio-economic landscape. Their advice is directed at big tech, hedge fund managers trying to manipulate a stock price, or bobbleheads looking for their latest talking point to sound “knowledgeable.”
Regardless of your knowledge level, expertise, or career, we all have one thing that’s the same: The innate desire to survive.
We unconsciously seek stability for ourselves and our lives as people, as families—not as large corporations hedging bets they know they can lose and face minimal repercussions.
But for some of us, those attempts at creating stability can result in self-sabotage that fuels greater instability. But no matter who you are or what you’ve done, it seems like we’re all the same. We all mess up. We all create chaos or dig ourselves into a hole from time to time… and who is to blame?
The answer is us. We are to blame for our own actions and the same goes for employee directors, industry tycoons, and political leaders.
Let’s look at the corporate blunders we’ve witnessed the past few years: Theranos (fake technology scam), Pfizer (currently under investigation for false marketing claims in multiple countries), Norfolk Southern (currently being sued for gross negligence in relation to the Ohio train derailment), and the Miami Open (once a tennis tournament, and now a politicized big-pharma talking head that supports bans on players like Novak Djokovic for not joining their cult for the jabbed).
Everyone is 𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖙 right now.
There’s not one roadmap for future success.
Why? Because we’ve evolved, we’ve said yes to technology we’re not culturally ready for, and we’re operating on a quantum level of computing; the only way out is not through. It’s within.
We have to harness our energy to create an exponential amount of opportunity by taking everything one step at a time. Treading lightly because we don’t know where the landmines are hidden.
This means the opinions, voices, and advice shared on open air and news cycles alike have nothing to do with your future. They may collide at one level or another but the cycle of a select few leaders acting as unqualified decision makers is now being turned upside down on its head.
The current news cycle is just distraction and amplification of chaos and fear.
My peers have done nothing with their knowledge. Instead, they’ve taken on the role of followers too scared to question propagated narratives. Too timid to step out of what they consider to be the acceptable norm, and that’s where they get it all wrong.
As a reader of the FALK Report, you know that we’ve been addressing the post-pandemic economy through a historic lens to provide context and solutions based on human nature.
At the end of the day, human nature is all we’ve got—and right now you have to make a choice. Will you bet on your own humanity? Or will you roll over and give up your human rights in the name of science?
Genetic memories
Memories from your ancestors lie dormant within you just waiting to be activated by shifts in your environment. They’re activated by changes in our environment that signal to epigenetic memories stored in our DNA. This relates back to behavioral patterns, hormone & neurotransmitter regulation, trauma responses to stimuli, and so much more.
our 𝔰𝔲𝔟𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔠𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 ruler
our 𝔰𝔲𝔟𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔠𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 ruler 〰️
Research indicates that we hold the epigenetic memories of past generations in our DNA.
Using common sense here, we’d likely call this phenomena ‘natural instincts’ in wild animals.
We have those instincts too.
They’re activated by changes in our environment that signal to epigenetic memories stored in our DNA. This relates back to behavioral patterns, hormone & neurotransmitter regulation, trauma responses to stimuli, and so much more.
Allow this insight (that the memories of past generations are living within you) to help you contextualize your plans for the near future. You have a boatload of resources within you, and now your job is to match up where your current events link to past time frames and allow yourself to get in touch with your instincts.
You need to be specific about which time periods in history closely correspond to what you are going through right now.
We explored this in FALK Report #2 in an economic context, but we are people not businesses, which is why this current report is about exploring the social context that serves as the undercurrent of our lives.
So what are we going through right now?
Pandemic, economic downturn, rapid industrial innovation, propaganda en masse, emergence of personal power through social media (similar to the emergence of democracy post-monarchical times), virtue-signaling war and massive social upheaval.
The last time we had a culmination of events like this, it led to the Great Depression of the 1930s.
What did your family go through?
For insights on how this may affect your personal understanding watch Finding Your Roots hosted by Henry Lewis Gates Jr. on PBS. It’s a phenomenal journey to see the activities and movement of families from one generation to the next—following celebrities and their heritage lines.
The surprising thing you’ll notice in these interviews is how strongly the stories of their ancestors affect these celebs. It feels personal… mostly because 𝖎𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑 and those memories are still living through you and are actively being triggered by your environment when you come into contact with that information.
Are stories enough to trigger an emotional and physical response? Yes.
Think about it like this, there’s no difference between physical abuse and psychological abuse to the human brian. Which means someone mentally torturing you feels the same as being physically tortured—this is not about your rational mind, this is to offer you insight as to how your brain processes information that’s difficult to endure.
You, like everyone, have gone through a lot the last few years. Undoubtedly, this is affecting your mental state and physical health.
Ask yourself this: How many of you have had changes in your daily habits and in your environment in the last 3 years? What emotions, feelings, and drivers were brought out within you that you found hard to explain—but you just felt were true?
Those are your genetic memories, dive into it and use this as an opportunity to explore the world through a different lens of understanding. Fresh perspectives bring in fresher ideas.
genetic flashback
Sync your genetic timeline with these sources:
marketing is 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔭𝔲𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
marketing is 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔭𝔲𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 〰️
As Jim Rickards fantastically summarizes in his book ‘Sold Out,’ world trade was at its peak from 1870-1914.
With WWI (1914) and the outbreak of the influenza pandemic (1918), those global trade routes collapsed along with the empires that sustained them. Specifically, from 1917-1922 the German, Ottoman, Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires fell. What primarily caused that fall was socio-economic instability. See FALK Report No. 1, and FALK Report No. 2 for more details.
Remember: We’re using this information as stage setting context. Pay attention to which preconceived notions create a strong response within you as you read the information below. Remind yourself to prioritize planning ahead using this information, and let go of the need to debate where we are socio-economically. Lean into curiosity.
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat, unexplored hypnotic biases did.
The global market collapse after WWI set the stage for the 1929 crash. Interestingly, a lot of the things that happened in 1929 are similar to what we endured during the 2020 plan-demic.
How curious, dive into it with me…
1920s economic boom was a credit bubble. As supply chains collapsed during WWI, credit was lent out within the US—causing an initial boom that resulted in the roaring 20s. The roaring 20s ended with a deadly economic hangover when the bubble burst in 1929, leading to a run on the banks with many banks closing their doors for good.
Stimulus dished out in 2020-2021 to stimulate the economy came from government debt issued by the Fed, setting the stage for a debt bubble. Simultaneously, global supply chains began collapsing due to lockdown policies and mandates for workers.
The boom and bust periods may vary in lengths of time, but the sequence is the same; as of March 2023, the US has had two bank runs within a span of a few days resulting in the biggest bank failures in modern US history.
Why did the 1929 crash happen?
There was an unequal distribution of wealth. Average workers were simply unable to increase their wealth because there was no increase in wages. Similarly, lockdowns and pandemic relief efforts helped thwart a redistribution of wealth: As of November 2022, the collective wealth of billionaires increased by 50% since the start of the pandemic.
Everyday workers who wanted to increase their wealth turned to speculative (retail) investing. They were looking to ‘get rich quick’ the same way retail investors rampaged on crypto exchanges and apps like Robinhood in 2021.
Mass marketing may have you grouping the 2020 “plan-demic” with the 1918 influenza pandemic—however, it’s just not the same. Here are inconsistencies we can get curious about to avoid clouding our strategic plans for the future with propagandized storylines:
The 1918 pandemic had a high mortality rate, killing more people than WWI (approx. 20-50 million).
We did not experience anything like this from the 2020 virus. The fact is, we’re not seeing our neighbors drop dead in the streets. It seems like everyone’s dying from anything but the 2020 virus.
Even the demons at the CDC say the 2020 virus has a 99.98% survival rate if you’re under 20-49 years old.
In 1918, movement of the influenza virus within the United States was primarily driven by the movement of soldiers at the end of WWI. Back in those days, long-distance travel wasn’t easy or accessible for commoners.
In 2020, short and long-distance travel was very easy and accessible.
Lockdowns that took place were relatively voluntary and less severe.
Mass media persuasion to ‘do the right thing’ wasn’t present in 1918 the way it is today’s world with television, social media, digital publications, and instant messaging.
The lockdowns of 2020 were largely economically driven by politicians and big corporations who were set up to profit. They even did a trial run at Event 201.
In short—mass media was used as a tool to ignite peer pressure within the general population that convinced entire cities to lockdown and shut their doors. Small businesses crippled, but people’s lives persisted. Ultimately people who had the means to continue on as normal and travel (at discounted prices) did so happily; they could afford it.
Lockdowns caused mass layoffs with repercussions that primarily impacted lower-income families and service workers, who were tortured by 24/7 fear mongering news, job loss, and financial limitations.
There were no injection mandates in 1919.
In 2021, injection & documentation mandates swept the country causing massive labor shortages, crippling the income for those who refused to offer their bodies to emergency use products akin to experimental lab rats, and diminishing actualized sales for companies large and small.
In short, things took longer to get done, the operations within businesses were strained, eager/capable people were banned from working due to personal preferences for bodily autonomy, and companies made less money because families had less money to spend. (Why did they have less to spend? Maybe they covered expenses for their unjabbed parent or sibling and that cut into their disposable income and savings). In 1918, none of this happened. Mask mandates were the most radical thing on the planet back then. No one was banned from being part of the workforce.
Compare these insights categorically to the 1929 crash and you’ll find that the 2020 pandemic disrupted markets, created and facilitated a mental health crisis, and crumbled macroeconomic supply chains with massive repercussions for business owners, average workers, and everyday consumers.
While the 1918 pandemic caused a lot of people to get sick and die; which is more aligned with the physical repercussions of the injection material people put into their bodies in 2021 and less to do with the 2020 virus itself which has a 99.98% survival rate if you’re under 49 years old (straight from the demon’s mouth at the CDC).
da Vinci Code: Bet on Yourself
why would you bet on anyone else?
jailbreak your 𝖉𝖆 𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖎 code
jailbreak your 𝖉𝖆 𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖎 code 〰️
Adaptation is advantageous.
Now we’re clear on what our current situation is and what it isn’t—and you’re now aware of your epigenetic predispositions that may cause you to react to external stimuli in a certain way.
For example, if you were descended from peasant farmers in Italy—you may not react to stock market crashes as severely as you do to barren shelves where essential foods seem to be missing for weeks on end as they did at the end of 2022.
For others, they may see political instability and feel the uncanny need to flee to safer ground—heralding genetic memories connected to military coups or famine induced rioting like french proletariats storming the palace of Versailles.
With a clearer frame of mind, work through these points below. Write by hand…
1. What happened to your father’s side of the family during the years surrounding 1929? And mother’s side?
2. What’s one way you can get involved with the community? Business or personally.
A great example of this is Ovenly in New York City. Instead of solely relying on an investment group to fund their needs for capital, they turned to their local community. They sold shares of their company starting at $250, helping them grow and expand their business and helping the community diversify their investments. It’s innovative and integrated into making their local environment a better place with financial stability they can control. Think about it: if you own a small piece of a business, won’t you go there for your coffee and bakery needs? Cater your next birthday party with treats from there? You’re going to help them succeed because it’s connected to helping yourself succeed. Falk-ing genius over there.
3. What value do you see in AI? And how can you use it to help inform your business?
ChatGPT and others are all funded by big tech companies. This means they have a large PR budget that will support many articles being written about the power of AI and how it’s the moving and driving force behind innovation. Is this true? Or is it perfectly timed with another mass layoff push amidst a stagflationary economic landscape, giving you a reason to just say yes to the severance package they offer you, no questions asked. You’re lucky to receive that less than standard rate severance, aren’t you? No. You’re being marketed! Take your autonomy back. Articles written by ChatGPT and others lack context, prospective framing, and genuine insight. They’re data collection tools. Use them to double check research and gain insights about what’s happening digitally—and whatever you do, don’t forget that a bot can be programmed to send/share the same message on 10,000 different twitter profiles which will skew the data to move in favor of one direction, but does not reflect actual thoughts and beliefs of real humans on this planet right now.
4. If you could go back to 2020, what would you do differently? And does that advice apply to your circumstances right now?
Succeeding during time periods of uncertainty is more than possible! You have to be nimble, take things one step at a time (one day at a time).
Bring your psychology into check. In debtor’s anonymous they regularly say the phrase, and I have all that i need just for today. Just for today.
It may not be easy, but in the end betting on yourself and your autonomy will be worth it. Imagine saying yes to captivity, when there was an easy way out. It’s all about your mindset. Stay focused on your purpose, stay nimble in your tactics, stay expansive in your awareness that there are more possibilities for greatness than you can even imagine.
Stay tuned,
Final Note: Corporate Irresponsibility
Your life might get a little heavier, dirtier… rugged. Embrace it and adapt to your best ability because if you adapt well now… your life will blossom on the other end of your destination.
Leadership who stay focused on virtue signaling to the masses rather than providing top quality services will fail and 𝕱𝕬𝕷𝕶 us all over in the process.
Did you know that a bank that recently failed allegedly spent more on social activities than it did on hiring functional operations managers? Why is that? What happened? Why is the business lost in the promotion of social activities rather than providing stellar banking services that are safe and protect their customers’ deposits?
Just some food for thought… tell us what you think in the comments section.